Pertenunan Berdikari


+62 361 973 285

  • Address:

    Dewi Sartika Street, No 42, Banyuasri, Buleleng - 81116 , Singaraja , Bali

This unique gem of North Balinese Culture specializes in beautiful reproductions of antique Buleleng traditional textiles indigenous to this region. At the Berdikari Hand woven Cloth Factory you may watch thread being spun and traditional endek cloth in silk or cotton being dyed and woven using hand weaving processes called ATBM, or alat tenun bukan mesin (non-mechanized weaving implements).

Visitors are most welcome to watch the various processes in action and to find out about the traditional methods of preparing and weaving the cloth. To ensure that only genuine endek is sold under that particular brand; and these textiles are not sold anywhere else. They have a large range available, including tablecloths, table runners, selendang (scarves), shirts as well as traditional cloth (kain).