

+62 361 973 285


  • Address:

    Gunung Batur Sawan Street, Buleleng Rrgency, Bali

The historical significance of Jagaraga is that it is the site of the heroic four-year defense of Buleleng against the Dutch occupation in the 1840’s under the prince Gusti Ketut Jelantik.  The people of Jagaraga Village named it in commemoration of the martyr prince, his wife and their servants who committed puputan (ritual suicide) in the face of Dutch cannon fire. It translates to ‘watch out for yourself,’ after the slogan of the resistance forces.  Its other claim to fame is the village temple, Pura Dalem Jagaraga (Temple of The Dead) that features several intricate relief carvings of the witch Rangda.

The Pura Dalem Jagaraga is located about 1km north of the village and is dedicated to Siwa, the destroyer. Its front walls are a mass of pictorial carvings. Those on the left show a variety of village activities representing community life, like kite flying, fishing, climbing coconut trees. Next to these are the Dutch arriving in their cars, boats, planes and bicycles and destroying the community. On the right hand side is a much-photographed carving of two Dutchmen driving a Model Ford car, being held up by two bandits. Then there are the statues of Dutch officers and the legendary Pan Brayut, with children climbing all over him.