

+62 361 973 285

  • Address:

    Kesiman Village , Denpasar, Bali

Held from 9am at the Pura Dalem Pangrebongan, Kesiman Village in East Denpasar every 210 days in accordance to the ancient Balinese lunar calendar, or exactly eight days after the Kuningan religious holiday.  The ceremony begins with members of the village who congregate and then walk in procession to the Petilan Temple bearing ancient heirlooms, sacred artifacts, and the village's barong and rangda masks (symbols of black and white magic) that are all taken out of safekeeping and carried in the elaborate procession that ends at the temple.  Symbolic of the victory of good against the forces of evil, this mass trance ritual of Pangerebongan is performed to prevent disease and disaster from befalling the village. The dramatic ceremony involves prayers, various rituals and participants in trance stabbing themselves with sacred kris daggers.